Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fabric Patches.

DIY Fabric Patches Tutorial

I love cute fabric, every time I make something I am left with these cute pieces of scrap fabric. So I finally figured out what I can do with those left over fabric scraps.

  • Heat n Bond Ultrahold
  • Fabric scraps
  • Scissors 

Heat n Bond Ultrahold can be found at Joanns and most craft stores. It comes in a red package sold in the notion section. You need to make sure that you get the one that is made for fabric, patches, denim, leather, suede, appliques. This is so special because it is a double adhesive sheet that gets cut to your need. 

Step one:

Cut out roughly around your fabric that you want to make into a patch. Do this for both your fabric and your heat n bond sheeting. 

Step two:

Place the adhesive sheeting facing down on your fabric so the adhesive is touching the wrong side of your fabric. .

Step three:

Iron at medium heat, press in place, and do not use steam. Press for 30 seconds, make sure that it is well bonded. 

Step four:

Your fabric will be very hot, so let cool for a few seconds. Trim down your fabric giving it a clean nice boarder around your image. 

Now you've got yourself a cute patch that can be used on and old jacket, purse , backpack anywhere you may want. 


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